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    Angel BeBe        
    BeBe, our beloved MinPin    

BeBe was a rescue from a puppy mill in 1996 at four months.

At one year she had arthritis in both hips and her spine was fused. She could barely put her weight on one hip but she never complained. 

BeBe was a delight and everyone loved her. At age seven our vet gave her a new hip and she relearned to use that leg.

Shortly after, we noticed lumps on her and we found out she had mast cell cancer. In the same time period she developed the "classic" signs of being diabetic.

BeBe was on a sliding scale for her insulin dose. We used NPH insulin twice a day. She always hated the shots! Eventually BeBe refused all commercial food and I home cooked for her. She never lost her eyesight.

In November 2006 we noticed more lumps and she became real sick one night. The next morning we took her to the vet and he said he could treat her aggressively but she would just get sick again and the cancer would get worse. She was wide awake and alert and my husband and I decided we couldn't put her through any more surgeries or treatments or insulin injections. She gave us her last kisses and I believe she knew what we where going to do. I put her on my lap and she went to sleep with us telling her how much we loved her. She was only nine years old.

We buried her by the well where she used to hunt lizards. I know when it is my time that she will be waiting for me at the bridge. I loved her with all my heart and still do and miss her every day.

Being diabetic didn't take BeBe from us. It is very treatable. If she had only been diabetic she would be sitting on my lap as I type this...

— Angel BeBe's Mom


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