

When our dog was diagnosed with diabetes, we weren't given a lot of information. And when our dog went blind from cataracts, we felt a little desperate. I came to the internet and started reading stories of other dogs living with diabetes. A story about one dog in particular, Lynne's Rena, gave me hope. Rena was still hiking the wildnerness of Utah even though she lost her sight to cataracts. That brief story made me realize that Chris' life wasn't over because his vision was gone.

So when I set up a website about diabetic dogs, I knew one of the pages had to be devoted to the stories of other people who are on this path with their dogs.



The inspiration for this website. To learn more about Chris' road to regulation, see his case study.
Chris was diagnosed in September 2003 at the age of 9.

Buddy is a poodle who lives in Australia and has the rare honor of having had his Cushings go into remission.
  Lucky   Lucky
From most challenging to easiest to manage thanks to the right insulin.
  Dolly's Niki   Niki
Diabetes seemed very overwhelming at first to Niki's mummy.
Additional detail is available in Niki's story at the K9diabetes forum.
      Bogie and Molly
A miniature Schnauzer and a chihuahua, both with diabetes, who share a home with Denise.

BeBe was a miracle of survival who fought off a damaged hip and mast cell cancer.

  Monk   Monk
Monk is getting incredible regulation from Lantus insulin twice daily.
  Taffy   Taffy
Taffy spent nearly half of her 13 years as a diabetic.

A Jack Russell terrier who also has Cushings.

  Killian   Killian
Killian was diagnosed in 2006 and recently got through a bad attack of pancreatitis. Additional detail is available in Killian's story at the K9diabetes forum.
      Jenny, Part I
Jacque writes a pet column called Urban Animal.
  Kiska   Kiska
Kiska also has atypical Cushings that is in the process of being controlled.
  Crissy Ann  

Crissy Ann
Crissy Ann has had atypical Cushings and diabetes for more than four years.


A beautiful golden chihuahua who is Teresa's second diabetic dog.



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